Physicalization from Theory to Practice

CHI 2023 Workshop

Call for Participation

Although data physicalizations have been around for centuries (e.g. Quipus), little is known about how their context influences the design and interaction needs. For example, what does it mean for a physicalization to be designed for sustainability, and how does this differ from a physicalization placed in an office environment?

In this workshop, we will explore 4 domain areas of data physicalization: personal informatics, sustainability, education, and office vitality. We are particularly looking for people working in these exemplar domains, but are also open for applications from other domains. Through discussions and the creation of physicalizations, we will explore the needs and challenges of these domains. We invite experts in physicalization and the relevant domains to join us for this one-day workshop (click here for the full proposal).

If you are interested in participating, please submit a 2-page position paper (excluding references) or another medium that fits your work (e.g. video) that discusses at least on of the following: (i) one or more of the listed domain areas of physicalization; (ii) the challenges you see for the domain areas; (iii) your experience or vision on how context influences the design of a physicalization. Submissions should be submitted via this form (deadline February 23, 2023).

Successful submissions will be selected based on their ability to trigger discussion and will be published on the workshop’s website. For each accepted submission, at least one author must attend the workshop. All participants must register for the workshop and at least one conference day.

Accepted Submissions

The following works have been accepted for the workshop:

Annika Schulz. Position Paper for Workshop 10: “Physicalization from Theory to Practice: Exploring Physicalization Design across Domains”

Beril Yapici, Torkil Clemmensen, and Christiane Lehrer. Exploring Ecological Physicalizations – A User Study in a Hybrid Work Setting

Carlos Guerrero Millan. Co-designing Data Physicalisations through Alternative Values

Cordula Baur, Carolin Wienrich, and Jörn Hurtienne. Location, Aim, and Audience of Data Physicalisations: Design Approaches instead of Frameworks

Dushani Perera, Nervo Verdezoto Dias, Julie Gwilliam, and Parisa Eslambolchilar. Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities for the Physicalization of Household Consumption Data to Encourage Sustainable Practices in Wales

Henrike Weingärtner. Challenges and Ethical Concerns of Using Stress Data in Data Physicalization

Kay Schröder, Steffi Kohl, and Jules Sinsel. The Key to the Future – Mapping Sustainable Energy Production

Lei Gao. Domain-Specific Data Physicalisations Enabled by Datalev

Marije Kanis, Astrid Lubsen, and Monique Pijls. Engaging in (Un)Sustainable Practices: Making Data Physical

Martin Lindrup and Aksel Biørn-Hansen. Data Physicalization: From Theory to Practice

Matthew Butler and Leona Holloway. Physicalisation to Support Graphical Content Access by Blind and Low Vision Users

Sarah Hayes. Zero-Waste Data – Creating a Sustainable Data Physicalization Workshop Kit

Siqi Xie, Yu Liu, Luyan Jiang, and Lingyun Yu. TangibleChannel: Data Physicalization for Teaching Visual Marks and Channels

Champika Ranasinghe and Richard Bults. Physicalization of Human Body Sensing Data

Workshop Materials

Here you can find and download all the needed workshop materials. These will be uploaded prior to the workshop, so participants can prepare and to facilitate online participation.

Physecology Sheet
Visual Variables


Kim Sauvé (, University of Bath)

Hans Brombacher (; Eindhoven University of Technology)

Rosa van Koningsbruggen (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)

Annemiek Veldhuis (Simon Fraser University)

Steven Houben (Eindhoven University of Technology)

Jason Alexander (University of Bath)