Tag: EEG

1993 – Slumber: Brainwave Weaving

Slumber was a multi-year gallery installation/performance by artist Janine Antoni. From the website description: Performance with loom, yarn, bed, nightgown, EEG Machine and artist’s REM reading. Antoni transforms the fleeting act of dreaming into a sculptural process. Between 1994 and 2000, the artist slept in the bed while an electroencephalograph machine recorded her eye movement. During the day, Antoni would sit at the loom and weave shreds of her nightgown in the pattern of her REM. The […]

Added by: Judith Donath. Category: Passive physical visualization  Tags: brainwaves, dreams, EEG, fabric, self-logging, sleep, weaving

2016 – Thoughtforms: 3D-Printed Thoughts

Kellyann Geurts and In Dae Hwang, Monash University, give physical shape to thoughts by turning EEG data into solid objects. During three public events at Melbourne in 2016, she placed a mobile EEG device on volunteers and asked them to think of a memory or emotion of their choice. Their EEG output was translated in real time into a 3D shape they could see on a computer screen. Participants could then press a button to pause the shape and send it to a 3D printer. They were then invited to write […]

Added by: Pierre Dragicevic, sent by: Benjamin Bach. Category: Passive physical visualization  Tags: 3d printing, digital fabrication, EEG, thoughts